Hurt2Help are running the TransAlpineRun 2010!

This September our husband and wife team will retrace the footsteps of Hannibal:

296km - 8 Days - 17700m Ascent - Across Germany, Austria and Italy.

All in aid of Facing Africa, a little-known British charity concerned with the prevention and cure of the merciless disease Noma.

Their surgical rehabilitation of survivors is heartbreakingly wonderful and more than worthy of buckets of our sweat in the hope of filling buckets with your donations!

We are Shelley and Gav Phillips. Follow our journey ..

Friday, 1 October 2010

At last my "daily" race blog is complete ..

Welcome friends to the final round-up of this adventure!

To make it easy for yourself to backtrack through the race do the following:-

* go to the archive section on the right in orange text
* click on September to open all entries
* then click stage by stage through the event .. 

We wouldn't want you to get lost in them there hills!

Enjoy our journey and thank you all for following.

Much love,

Shelley and Gav
Team Hurt2Help
Team Australia